IDEXX Reference Laboratories
IDEXX histopathology services
IDEXX histopathology services provide you with the most accurate and timely histology results to allow you to make a confident diagnosis and treatment plan.
- Let our highly specialised IDEXX histopathology technicians provide you with expert specimen processing – decalcification when needed, trimming, dissection and quality slide preparation.
- Access the largest network of anatomic pathologists worldwide who provide quality interpretations, evaluation of surgical margins and special stains, as well as include comments regarding biological behavior and etiology.
- Consult directly by phone or email with the pathologist working on your case.

What’s new.

Reference laboratory submissions – Ocular Pathology service
- Ocular samples can be submitted under the test codes HISTOC (small globe) and HISTOCL (large globe).
- These are automatically read by our ocular specialty team of pathologists.
- Includes automatic application of PAS special stain for assessment of vitreous, lens capsule and blood vessel changes.
- Ensures a fully comprehensive and detailed ocular pathology report.
Comprehensive testing services to cover even your most time‑sensitive cases.
Results in 3–5 days (Monday–Friday)
- Quick, reliable turnaround for your nonemergency cases
- Personalised guidance from our team of expert pathologists
Test codes
HISTU: 1 Site/Lesion
HISTU2: 2 Sites/Lesions
See the online Directory of Tests and Services at
for test codes for additional sites/lesions.
Results in 1–3 days (Monday–Friday)
- Faster turnaround for your critical cases
- Personalised guidance from our team of expert pathologists
Test codes
HIST1P: 1 Site/Lesion
HIST2P: 2 Sites/Lesions
See the online Directory of Tests and Services at
for test codes for additional sites/lesions.
Results in 3–8 days; decalcification usually takes 1–2 weeks, sometimes longer for very large bones.
- A thorough evaluation of organs (with or without bone) or large and complex biopsies (e.g., spleen, liver and lung lobe; bone biopsies (amputated limbs/digits/tails/jaws (whole or partial)))
- Personalized guidance from our team of expert pathologists
Test code: HISTUL
Personalised guidance from our team of specialised ocular pathologists.
Test codes
HISTOC: Ocular globe ≤ 25 mm
HISTOCL: Ocular globe > 25 mm
(oversized slides necessary for examination of entire sections)
A liver biopsy to optimise interpretation of liver biopsy submissions:
- For chronic hepatitis in dogs
- Several special stains
- With a detailed report, including grading, staging and scoring of copper content.
Test code: HISTLIV
This service provides the ability to submit skin specimens without limitation of the number of locations (punch or excisional biopsy) for diagnosis of focal and generalized skin diseases.
Collaboration is the key to dermatological diagnostics. Please provide a comprehensive preliminary report. This profile also includes a optional consultation by our dermatologists.
Qualifying skin specimen types include the following:
- Lesions that are chronic/recurring that fail to respond to therapy
- Clinically unusual lesions
- Acute onset skin conditions that are progressing rapidly
- Clinically severe lesions (e.g., accompanied by systemic signs, sudden hair loss, multifocal nodules)
Test code: HISTS
Submit multiple sites within the gastrointestinal tract from any of the following anatomic regions: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and associated mesenteric lymph nodes for trimming. Each region will be reviewed and reported on independently.
Test code: HISTGI
Featured case
The whole spleen or subsampling?
Casey is a 5-year-old spayed female Labrador retriever with decreased appetite and occasional vomiting. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a small hyperechoic liver. Several laparoscopic biopsies from different liver lobes were submitted to IDEXX Reference Laboratories. The biopsies were processed including special stains to detect copper and connective tissue. Lesions in the liver were scored according to the WSAVA guidelines and histopathology revealed chronic hepatitis (activity grade 3) and some bridging fibrosis (fibrosis stage 3) with hepatocyte apoptosis and necrosis. A copper score of 3 supported the diagnosis of copper-associated chronic hepatitis. The case highlights the importance of performing special staining in addition to routine haematoxylin and eosin, to maximise the value of liver biopsy.

Diagnostic updates
To help prevent/slow down freezing of biopsy specimens, 1 part (70% isopropyl) alcohol can be added to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin.
- IDEXX is not able to ship unlabelled jars until we can confirm the concentration or type of formalin/liquid solution.
- If confirmed that the biopsy specimen was submitted in formalin concentrations >10%, or if the specimen is not labelled with the needed information, this may cause delays with processing and turnaround time.
Documents and other resources
Access IDEXX Reference Laboratories
specimen guidelines
, IDEXX Online Ordering
, and educational resources
Tests and Services
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IDEXX Reference Laboratories Support
We support your practice with our customer support, technical support and medical consulting services team, including our diagnostic support veterinarians and board-certified veterinary specialists.
Call us at 433 10439
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IDEXX Reference Laboratories
Note: There may be times where weather or operational considerations cause delays in providing test results. When this happens, we will inform you as quickly as possible with the most complete information available.